A++ TRANQWL Suppositories – 35mg THC | 35mg CBD

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A++ TRANQWL Suppositories – 35mg THC | 35mg CBD


A++ TRANQWL Suppositories – 35mg THC | 35mg CBD

Available in: 2-Packs, 5-Packs and 10-Packs

Made with: Cannabis Concentrate, CBD, Cocoa Butter

For Vaginal and Rectal Use.

Cannabis suppositories can be taken vaginally or rectally and are sometimes the only option for those who cannot take anything by mouth or inhale. Many people have found relief treating women’s health issues, like endometriosis, as well as helping with sexual health, painful periods or to promote comfort during sex. Others have successfully treated ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, and are using them for managing local symptoms of the gastrointestinal system as well as the female reproductive tract. Suppositories are also helpful in treating both prostate and colon cancer, and suppositories are considered to be an effective way for those experiencing severe nausea or vomiting to medicate.

Best stored refrigerated.

Additional information


2-Pack, 5-Pack, 10-Pack


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